Living with the loss of stillbirth and learning to live in the sunshine of our new normal.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

It snowed again last night. Driving home was a nightmare. The sun finally came out a few minutes ago and already I can hear the drip drip of the white crap melting off the roof.
Today Sophia and I might go shopping. I want to get out of this house. I am so tired of being inside all the time. I'm beginning to think that when it's warm enough, we might be spending all waking hours outdoors. I think we will grill all of our food and enjoy the bugs. Because bugs are better than stale winter air and sitting under blankets to keep warm. I want to plant some flowers, but I'm lazy and I'm unsure. We had some crocuses sprout up in the front yard, and those were a very welcome surprise. I wonder what else the previous owners planted. It's nice to have a happy surprise from those bastards. I also need to plant Charlotte's rosebush that Alicia gave me. I'm still not sure where to put it. There is so much work to be done in our yard that I'm not sure what we're going to change. I want to be able to look out the window and see her roses. So I'll have to think it through.

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