Living with the loss of stillbirth and learning to live in the sunshine of our new normal.

Monday, June 28, 2010

I keep thinking I'm updating. I'm obviously wrong.
Tomorrow Mike goes in to the hospital to have a mediport implanted in his chest. Wednesday morning we go in for his first chemo session. He will be getting chemo for 46-hour periods, every other week, for 6 months. He will have a portable pump that he can take home, go to work with, etc. We're not sure how it's going to work. To tell you the truth, I am terrified of what's to come. But I am thankful that we have a "what's to come."
It started hitting me last night, I think. It could be an odd-timed bout of PMS. But I think it's more likely that it's the realization that this is really happening. I felt like a truck hit me. I cried for "no reason" on and off all night. Today is brighter. Well, it was until Sophia found some nail polish in my purse.
Today I'm going to stick close to the house. Do some laundry, do some dishes. Clean up some Barbies. Maybe later we will go downtown and take some pictures. We'll see if it cools down enough to go outside.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE you and praying for your family constantly!!! xoxoxoxo
